由Arto Saari, Greg Hunt, Pontus Alv, Chris Mulhern和Paul Fish五位滑板人呈现的文艺滑板纪录片Symirroretry高清完整版在线发布。影片分享了他们对个性、局限性以及当下文化进展的理解和感受,从理性的探讨,真诚的表述到抽象迷幻的艺术表达,在50分钟里带给你一种全新的感受!
Five entities established in skateboarding share concepts of individuality, limitation, and knowledge learned from a constant evolving culture. A culture eternally cycling, dying, and rebirthing. Forced down dead end pathways by powerful business entities. Manipulated of progression through decensitized internet labyrinths. Two symmetrical beings, parallel in thought, know only that of which is seen. Controlled by a vivid entity yet handicapped by a lack of capacity of free thought and expression. No ambition? No spirit and fulfillment? Paintings of inner reflection. Still, immovable, and wondering; “What is my love and passion?” A documentary expressing the ‘artist’ journey of becoming. A parallel narrative supporting sentiment of fighting against conformity. A contribution of thought challenging comprehension and expansion. The story of symmetrical mirrors, formed as one entity.