著名的滑板杂志TransWorld Skateboarding每隔一段时间总会为大家献上一部完整的滑板大片,如今他们的第26部整片作品Outliers已正式发布,官方在线分享HUF滑手Brad Cromer在片中的个人部分。TWS的作品总是有些与众不同,注重概念,对滑手的选择也有其独到之处,但可以肯定的是能出现在TWS片中的滑手都有红的潜质。
TransWorld Skateboarding is proud to introduce its 26th full length video, “Outliers”, featuring Riley Hawk, Lee Yankou, Neen Williams, Marius Syvanen, Zered Bassett and Brad Cromer. From those born into it, to those locked out from it, those who moved to be part of it and those hiding from it, Outliers represents a cast of skateboarders from diverse geographical backgrounds and demonstrates how their proximity to skateboarding’s epicenter has affected the way they skate.