史无前例的滑板活动--滑翻赫尔辛基飞机场,由著名滑手Arto Saari发起,从世界各地精选的7位实力派滑手在这个十月齐聚芬兰,2天的时间他们在飞机场玩的如何?这部7分长的短片给你答案,太美太霸气,双手点赞!
For two days in October 2014, skateboarders from East and West were connected on the top of the world at Helsinki Airport. This first-ever skate session was hosted by Arto Saari and his world-class crew. See the amazing footage of when these skaters got access to totally unique skate spots to test the limits of the gateway between East and West. Match made in HEL.