纪念传奇滑手Ray Underhill的疯狂周末

作者: Ride Channel 发表于: 2014-10-20 评论: 0 查看: 0

上周末举办了一场纪念传奇滑手Ray Underhill的慈善赛事,他是白骨队中重要的一员,也是托尼霍克的至交好友。2008年因为癌症不幸去世,但是他的友善,无私乐于助人的精神将永远被所有滑手铭记!这次赛事募集的所有资金将全部捐入Ray Underhill基金会。

Get Rad For Ray Presented By Endless Grind charity event to celebrate the life and legacy of one of skateboarding’s all-time greats, Ray Underhill. A Wilmington, NC native, Underhill was a member of the infamous Bones Brigade squad of the 1980s, a teammate of Hawk’s, and known for his smooth skating style. But his friends remember him best for his kindness, wit, and dedication—his true enduring legacies.

来源: Ride Channel
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