MONSTER ENERGY带来了他们自己的2014 KIMBERLEY DIAMOND CUP滑板视频大赛,由旗下滑手Nyjah Huston, Nassim Guammaz, Matt Berger, PLG, Trey Wood, Phil Zwisjen和Jake Brown分享他们比赛中的见闻与感悟,那份质感令人难忘!
Africa. The Dark Continent. The Birthplace of Humanity. Home to 54 Countries and 9 Territories. Half of the people in Africa are under the age of 19! Seems like a great place for a Skateboard Contest right.. Kimberley, is smack dab in the middle of South Africa and known for “The Big Hole”, one of the worlds largest hand dug pit mines that has produced a ridiculous amount of diamonds since miners shovels hit the dirt back in 1817. There isn’t much to Skate in Kimberley but our guys took advantage of every opportunity from the CA Skateparks built Kumba Skate Plaza to the mean streets. Join Louie Lopez, Tommy Fynn, Justin Brock, Khule Ngubane, Monster Energy’s Nyjah Huston, Nassim Guammaz, Matt Berger, PLG, Trey Wood, Phil Zwisjen, and Jake Brown as they roll the KDC.