滑板轮在滑板中具有举足轻重的地位,但是滑板轮的好坏却很难被直观的辨别。很多滑板新手认为能转且美观就足够了,但是职业滑手往往都会轮子的选择格外挑剔,回弹和耐磨性能到底代表什么?让大名鼎鼎的NHS R&D Lab用他们的最专业的滑板轮测试装备来给各位科普一下!
he second installment of the NHS R&D Lab videos showcases the machinery used to test the speed of your wheels, abrasion and flatspot resistance. As always, the information gathered by the machine is tested in the streets by NHS pros to evaluate the competition and to ensure the product is ready for production.