以寻找天才滑手为己任的Volcom 2014 Wild In The Parks系列滑板巡回赛整年穿越北美,算是不辱使命,在刚刚结束的Volcom 2014 Wild In The Parks Championships比赛上,这些天赋滑手表现惊人,单就14岁以下组别的比赛就让人惊叹不已,更有某哥放出backside dolphin to feeble这种邪门的动作真是把小编我给震到了。
Over the course of 2014, Volcom’s Wild in the Parks contest tour has traveled North America to find the very best in amateur skateboarding talent. The series has consisted of 12 regional contests, each qualifying the top 21 participants to compete in the 2014 WITP Global Championships. For their efforts, these competitors skated for a piece of Volcom’s $15,000 cash purse, stacks of prizes, and the title of 2014 WITP Champion!