大招王子Chris Joslin实至名归,在美国竞争无比激烈的滑板圈杀出一条血路,正式加入滑板鞋品牌Etnies,超长超赞的欢迎视频就是最好的证明。
“Chris Joslin is one of the most talented, consistent skateboarders on the planet! His heart and his drive to skate are unmatched! Get ready world!” – Ryan Sheckler

大招王子Chris Joslin实至名归,在美国竞争无比激烈的滑板圈杀出一条血路,正式加入滑板鞋品牌Etnies,超长超赞的欢迎视频就是最好的证明。
“Chris Joslin is one of the most talented, consistent skateboarders on the planet! His heart and his drive to skate are unmatched! Get ready world!” – Ryan Sheckler