虽然Stefan Janoski是大家熟悉的Nike SB黄金签约滑手,但是他在那些不熟悉滑板世界的大众前却有一种神秘的吸引力。由Pierre David为Nike SB亲自操刀的这部短片,除了让大家与Janoski一起在纽约的街道滑板,还引领大家进入他内心深处,了解Janoski对滑板的热情与独特见解。
Following a premiere at Ground Control in Paris last week, the “This is Janoski” short film by French publication Desillusion Magazine is now available online. Although Stefan Janoski is well known for his signature Nike SB shoe models, he remains somewhat of a mysterious character to those not so familiar with the world of skateboarding. The film is an immersion into his mind and follows Janoski skating around the streets of New York. Directed by Pierre David and produced by Nike SB, the film combines beautiful footage of skating with a philosophical voice over from the artist, explaining his artistic process and his passion for skateboarding. Check out the full documentary above.