南非Kimberley Diamond 杯—— Mini Mega & 女子滑板比赛

作者: Ride Channel 发表于: 2014-10-05 评论: 0 查看: 0

Kimberley Diamond杯在南非火热进行中,第一天所有职业滑手参观狮子的地盘,感受森林之王捕食的震撼画面。接下来的日子Mini Mega比赛和女子街式比接踵而来,前者是男滑手在空中的比拼,后者是堪称女子Street League的赛事,绝对不容错过。

Things in South Africa kicked off with a visit including all your favorite pros to the lion country followed by the first day's events: Mini Mega and Women's Street. Stay tuned for the rest of the ripping street skating all weekend.

来源: Ride Channel
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