独立片场-Static IV发布滑手Aaron Herrington完整片段

作者: 发表于: 2014-09-24 评论: 0 查看: 0

著名滑板电影人Josh Stewart的独立滑板影片系列Static一直备受关注,目前该系列第四部Static IV已于5月底首映。
虽然国内的滑板爱好者对这一系列影片并不是很了解,但是通过今天我们分享的片中滑手Aaron Herrington个人部分,相信大家会对这系列影片有更清晰的认知。影片具备独立作品的鲜明风格,无论是滑手的选择和拍摄剪辑手法都有其独到之处。

This is the official HQ version of Aaron Herrington's part from the all new "Static IV" video by Josh Stewart. After seeing this part uploaded on countless Vimeo and Youtube accounts we figured we might as well fight fire with fire and post it here so that it can act as the official home for the video.

来源: kingpin
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