2014红牛「Skate Arcade World 」比赛在巴塞罗那火热展开。为了消除大家对传统滑板比赛的审美疲劳,红牛对这次比赛的赛况视频进行了特殊的剪辑和特殊效果的处理,比赛实况就像玩游戏一样,分数和能量值都有体现,趣味之余大家可以耐心看完整场比赛。
Skaters from around the world battled through the uploaded trick rounds and qualifiers to see who could put it all together under pressure for the finals of Red Bull Skate Arcade. Skaters from Guatemala, Slovakia, Colombia, Belgium, you name it – continued to be whittled down round upon round until only the elite of the elite were left to skate-off in the final heat. Check out the best action from the event! Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and YouTube exclusive series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high.