Supra为我们带来新的滑板影片『 INFINITE POTENTIAL』,讲述去年夏天Supra Team在英国的旅行。这部影片主要记录了Supra Team,Muska和本地滑手Willie等人在伦敦一处废弃的空地建立临时滑板公园并举行表演的过程。探索城市滑板地形是滑板运动的一部分,回馈滑板运动和滑板社群的支持也是滑板品牌义不容辞的责任之一。跟着影片一起感受一个原汁原味滑板活动的完整经过吧。
This past summer, SUPRA took a month-long trip throughout the United Kingdom to post up with the locals, skate street, and do some demos while also taking in the sights and culture. Dubbed their UK Residency, we traveled up and down the UK with stops in Bristol, Manchester, Leeds, and London with many pitstops along the way.
While taking up residency, the SUPRA team was scheduled to stop in London for 9 days. With a demo scheduled at Hackney Wick’s famous Frontside Gardens DIY initiative, we had the opportunity to give a little something back to London’s local skateboarding community thanks to the founder of Frontside Gardens, Andy Willis, and our very own Chad Muska.
As skateboarders, we are always taking the unused and overlook pieces of our surroundings to repurpose them to fit our needs. Such was the case when Willis found a derelict piece of land and wanted to turn it into a useful space for skateboarding and events. Willis and other likeminded locals have built a great park using mainly reclaimed wood to provide a place for skateboarders to skate and hang out.
The UK’s skateboarding scene is thriving. In an era of homogenized style and youthful complacence, it was refreshing to travel and see so many different styles coming together to support skateboarding and it was a privilege to contribute in some small way. Like the majority of skate spots, Frontside Gardens is a temporary space that won’t be around forever, but in its short existence, it has already bolstered the DIY attitude that will ensure places will like this will always exist in some form on down the road. ——Supra