Jereme Knibbs正式加入「The Boardr」滑板队伍,告别扫地僧行列

作者: TWS 发表于: 2014-09-09 评论: 0 查看: 0

弗洛里达小子Jereme Knibbs默默付出多年一直得不到赏识,于是他主动出击,给老板进行一系列死缠烂打的展示。敌不过他的老板抽空看完他的个人视频后感动地扔掉他手中的扫把,宣布Jereme正式成为The Boardr旗下第二名职业滑手。视频中最后一个50-50相当精彩!

The Boardr welcomes its second team rider, local Florida boy Jereme Knibbs. Jereme’s been killing it down there for years, and this part is his best work yet. That 50-50 at the end is heavy!

来源: Transworld Skateboarding
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