2014 Street League Super Crown World Championship决赛落幕,8强角逐,Nyjah Huston最后大招锁定大家梦寐以求的冠军头衔,独得20万美金,同时也为整个赛季的全胜记录划下完美句号。Torey Pudwill和Ishod Wair分居二三名。闲话少说,精彩视频见分晓:
The 2014 SLS Nike SB World Tour narrowed down 25 of the world’s best street skateboarders to the final 8 which included Nyjah Huston, Luan Oliveira, Torey Pudwill, Shane O’Neill, Paul Rodriguez, Chaz Ortiz, Matt Berger and Ishod Wair. For the first time in Street League history, Nyjah Huston sweeps the SLS Nike SB World Tour with an undefeated season taking home first place at every stop. Street League has a great trick by trick recap. Huston has set an unprecendented bar for winning the $200,000 prize purse and coveted title of SLS Champions for an entire tour.