Supra一行人决定去征服美国中西部的大街和板场,15个人轰轰烈烈的开着一辆小面包便上路了。芝加哥,底特律,密尔沃基多,明尼波利斯,爱荷华州都有他们一路留下的脚印,看看Lizard King,Nick Tucker,Chaz Ortiz,Neen等重量级滑手的精彩表现吧!
This Summer we decided to gather some of the team up and head out to the Midwest to hit some skateparks, crusty street spots, and hang out with the homies. With a 15 passanger van loaded up with the likes of Lizard King, Chad Muska, Keelan Dadd, Dee Ostrander, Nick Tucker, Sascha Daley and Spencer Hamilton it was destin to be A good time. We even scooped up Neen in Chicago and Chaz in Milwaukee to join us for a few stops along the way. Enjoy the ride with us through Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, and Des Moines.