
作者: Ride Channel 发表于: 2014-08-15 评论: 0 查看: 0

野外冲水,悬崖下跳,美女湿身派对,各种滑板场,这个夏天Birdhouse滑板队完全停不下来!即将前往青奥会的滑板女神Lizzie Armanto也有出镜。让我们随着Birdhouse的镜头,狠狠地给这个夏天降温吧!

One minute you're dorkin around on a crappy rail or DIY spot with your friends, the next minute you're throwin' down bangers demo style in front of thousands of people. That's life on the +Birdhouse Skateboards tour. Watch Ep 1 with +Tony Hawk, Ben Raybourn, David Loy, Lizzie Armanto, and more! 

来源: Ride Channel
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