为了庆贺玻利维亚计划的Pura Pura滑板场顺利落成,以及2014年Levi's秋冬新款的发布,Levi's在柏林的St. Agnes教堂中搭建了一个临时的滑板场,场内设有展示2014年秋冬新款的区域,以及Pura Pura板场建筑过程的照片墙。当天参与的滑手onas Skrøder, Jan Kliewer, Jonas Daater, Diego Fiorese, Hugo Boserup, Ville Wester, Marius Syvanen, Mathias Hall Laursen等人的表现你不容错过!
To celebrate, we installed a temporary skatepark inside of St. Agnes Church in Berlin, alongside a photo exhibition of Jonathan Mehring's images from the Pura Pura Skatepark and showcased the new Levi's® Skateboarding FW14 Collection.