Time Capsule(滑板时间囊)是由DayDreamCinema 出品的一档栏目,里面收录了许多滑板狠货的镜头。虽然有些镜头你或许已经看过了,但时间囊还是收录了不少未曾对外公布的部分。看完整部片子除了惊叹,你还认出了多少个狠货呢?
DayDreamCinema brings you "Time Capsule", A collection of some badass bros doing some skateboarding.
Some of these clips have been surfaced in the past and some may have not, but all in all it has been a pleasure seeing some of this amazing stuff go down in the past year.
DayDream影院出品:「Time Capsule」第一集