
作者: 发表于: 2014-07-31 评论: 0 查看: 0

欢迎来到TransWorld大革新后的滑板场。全新的可互换式道具,体现着浓浓的创意感。 Jamie Thomas, Ben Fisher, Kirby, Trevor McClung, Denzel White, Brad Cromer, Nick Boserio, Chris Gregson和 Tom Remillard将会带大家体验全新的TransWorld大本营。看看新板场的宣传视频就知道什么叫做创意了。

Welcome to the new, fully interchangeable, Skate & Create inspired, TransWorld Skatepark. Jamie Thomas, Ben Fisher, Kirby, Trevor McClung, Denzel White, Brad Cromer, Nick Boserio, Chris Gregson, and Tom Remillard stopped by to feel it out. Thanks to our awesome sponsors for making it a reality: Fred Water, Bones, Official, Stance, Active Ride Shop, Vans, Sol Republic, and California Skateparks.

来源: Transworld Skateboarding
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