由Converse Cons出品,Volcom和Organika赞助的Empire Game第二届的Wallride之王大赛又开始了。比赛规则很简单,只要在墙体做出最持久,最远的Wallride就能胜出!恭喜Jesse Ramirez将1000美金收入囊中,他做出了一个长达16英尺(约4.8米)的Wallride!!!
Empire Games " Wallrideorama", presented by Converse Cons, sponsored by Volcom and Organika. At the second stop of this years Empire Games the concept was simple, whoever could hold on and do the longest wall ride wins. Congratulations to Jesse Ramirez for taking home the win with a mind blowing 16ft wall ride, Vince Baldo coming in 2nd at 15.5 ft and Charles Deschamps 3rd at 15ft.
Empire游戏:「 Wallrideorama」,最持久的Wallride