Pacific Drive滑板店:世界上最棒的滑板路牙

作者: 发表于: 2014-07-29 评论: 0 查看: 0

非常正式地说,Pacific Drive滑板店门前的路牙子是世界上用来玩滑板最棒的小道具。不久前Chris LaRue安装的这个停车路牙,被当地的滑手耍出上百种不同的玩法,现在这里已经变成了星期天大家聚集一起滑板的好地方。

It’s official, Pacific Drive is the best skateshop in the world to slappy curbs out front. Chris LaRue and the boys installed these perfect parking blocks not too long ago and it’s a Sunday destination, baby! Reach the beach on Thomas Ave. in Pacific Beach!

来源: Transworld Skateboarding
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