James Coleman是一名格鲁吉亚的滑板隐士,经常在三藩市,迈阿密,纽约,亚特兰大,亚利桑那州几个城市穿梭流浪。前段时间,制片人Mike Atwood将James在迈阿密拍摄的 “Incognito”中的精彩部分发给大家欣赏。不到2分钟的视频,每一个动作紧凑之余还十分地凶狠,背景乐也是相当的给力!一起来感受下这名“隐士”的实力!
James Coleman, originally from Georgia, is a vagabond who floats around between San Francisco, Miami, NYC, Atlanta, Arizona and even France and shreds the whole time along the way. Recently, Mike Atwood, maker of the dope 2013 underground video out of Miami “Incognito”, sent James’ part from the video over our way. A part which I’m pretty sure was my personal favorite from the project. And, considering that we here at TOA are pretty big fans of this little known shredder, we were stoked when Mike allowed us to post it up on the TOA Youtube page. So kick back and enjoy some stylish ripping before heading out of the house today.
滑板隐士James Coleman 出镜「Incognito」