像「A Place In Time」这样的滑板视频应该有属于自己的正式名字,它们可能只是兄弟们玩耍拍摄的视频,但是出镜的无论是职业滑手还是非著名的地下滑手,风格与技术以及招式的细节都十分值得一看!
出镜的滑手:Caswell Berry, Ben Raemers, Mark Suciu等。
Skate videos like this need a name: they're homie vids but with pro skaters right along with underground rippers. And most of all, there's an attention to detail which produces an incredible video to watch. Featuring Caswell Berry, Ben Raemers, Mark Suciu and many others.
「A Place In Time」,一部应该有自己名字的滑板视频