Andrew Lovgren在「 Glumplife」中火力全开

作者: 发表于: 2014-07-23 评论: 0 查看: 0

Glumplife是一部美国堪萨斯州的独立滑板视频,参与拍摄的成员有Aaron Cannon, Luke Clark, Josh Barclay, Mikey Santillan, Jasper Alford, Richie Wolfe, Max Clark, James Fink, Keelin Austin, Reggie Jones, Andrew Lovgren等等。

Andrew Lovgren在Glumplife中的表现十分出色,片头年轻时抛台尖翻扭脚的片段与今日的技术行程鲜明的对比,真的是火力全开,一发不可收拾。

Andrew has first part in the video
Glumplife is an independent skateboard film out of Kansas City featuring Aaron Cannon, Luke Clark, Josh Barclay, Mikey Santillan, Jasper Alford, Richie Wolfe, Max Clark, James Fink, Keelin Austin, Reggie Jones, Andrew Lovgren and more.

来源: Youtube
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