【人小鬼大】4岁星范十足的职业滑手LIL ROME DIDDY

作者: 发表于: 2014-07-23 评论: 0 查看: 0

职业滑手,超级明星,4岁的Lil Rome Diddy目前拥有两个如此分量十足的头衔。

1岁的时候,Lil Rome Diddy就跟随着父亲在板场中滑板。2岁时他就收到了第一份Bay Area赞助的滑板。当大家可能还穿着尿布在家看卡通片的时候,Lil Rome Diddy已经在板场中练习ollie下各种眼睛所及的落差了。这个年轻的小伙子传记(你没看错,他已经有个人传记了!)中提到,不能滑板对他来说就像那些小屁孩不能看卡通或者被没收了游戏机一样难过,他是属于户外的,梦想是成为世界上最棒的职业滑手。

除了走向职业滑手的道路,Lil Rome Diddy的星途也十分畅顺。他目前是The Money Team (TMT) 的一员,由Professional Boxer Floyd Mayweather赞助。他已经是公众视野中的小明星,出席各种比赛和特殊活动做特邀嘉宾。视频中他和各种大牌说唱歌手(P. Diddy, Rick Ross, Akon, aLloyd)拍照都十分淡定。他就是一颗闪亮的明星,去哪儿都是焦点。

Lil Rome Diddy在Nike SB板场玩耍的视频:

Lil Rome Diddy began riding the skateboard at the age of one with his dad. When he turned 2-years-old, he received his first skateboard from Bay Area rapper Mac-Mall. From there the young rider began to develop his skateboard skills. Most children at a young age enjoy watching cartoons and playing video games, but Lil Rome would rather ride his skateboard and jump over anything that he can see over. It is said in his Bio(yes, the little kid has a bio already), “Telling Lil Rome he can’t skate would be like cutting off cartoons for most kids, or taking away a video game, instead this young superstar is the beginning of a new age youth who again take charge of the outdoors and walk away from the television to pursue what he calls ‘Being the best skater in the world.’ ”

来源: Youtube
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