Volcom Damn Am 2014 葡萄牙站 精彩赛事回顾

作者: 发表于: 2014-07-22 评论: 0 查看: 0

2014"Volcom Damn Am"葡萄牙站赛事已经落下了帷幕,冠军由活力十足的爆炸头Nassim Guammaz获得。不过当天参与比赛的其他选手表现也十分精彩,让我们通过Bru-ray的镜头,感受当天狂躁的气氛。

End of the world... and there's a 10 stair in Portugal! Been there, skated it. Check out this 5-0 shove it out down a round rail. Shit! Thanx kids. —Jake Phelps.

来源: Thrasher
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