感谢Volcom给我们带来了愉快的周末,Damn Am葡萄牙站的比赛十分地精彩,威猛的爆炸头Nassim Guamma凭借发如其人的爆炸力,完成了一系列完美的组合动作,夺得了本次比赛的冠军头衔。让我们一同来欣赏一下他的精彩表现吧。
Damn Am is a wrap and a big congrats to Nassim Guammaz on taking home the win. A great weekend of skating and great time in Portuagual thanks to Volcom. Stay tuned for the Finals and Independent Best Trick full edit coming soon.
威猛爆炸头Nassim Guammaz夺得「Volcom Damn Am」葡萄牙站冠军
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