DGK队伍最新滑板视频"Blood Money"火热呈现,这同时也是Marquise Henry和Boo Johnson正式晋升为职业滑手的视频。拥有粗犷胡子的Marquise却有着细腻而精准的控板技术,Boo则将自己的爆发力表现的淋漓尽致,火力全开。DGK ALL DAYS!
DGK has again earned their reputation for progression and classic moves with a twist. This video rips. Marquise is a board control wizard with one of the great modern styles. And as for Boo? You have to see it to believe it. The entire DGK crew is also represented in this major feature.
DGK队伍 火热呈现 「Blood Money」