RED-“REDIRECT”影片第十一部「Urban Isolation」by Russell Houghten

作者: 发表于: 2014-07-15 评论: 0 查看: 0

是否厌倦了城市的车水马龙?是否曾多次想象能在高速公路上独自畅滑的快感?由摄像师Russell Houghten拍摄的短片「与城隔绝」实现了这个愿望。 滑手随意穿梭在空无一人的高速路上,享受着任意做招的乐趣,好莱坞大片般的视觉使得整部影片更加让人享受。

REDirect is a celebration of skateboard filmmaking featuring 11 of the most visionary filmmakers in the world, each responsible in their own way for directing the overall look and feel of the modern skate video as we know it. Given a RED camera—the industry standard for Hollywood movies—and complete creative control to bring his vision of skateboarding to life, the Berrics is proud to present to you... Russell Houghten's "Urban Isolation", the final installment of REDirect

来源:The Berrics

来源: The Berrics
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