Matt Ballard就是一个很好的例子,比起在镜头前滑板,在幕后拍摄反而让他觉得更舒适和更有存在感。七尺的身高,让他可以拍摄到别人难以拍摄到的角度,你可以在Kinship,Bellevue和Clint Walkers X Games等滑板视频欣赏他的拍摄技术。
Matt十分感谢他的亲人和朋友默默地在背后支持他许多年,也十分感谢Ride Channel给他展示作品的机会。
When it comes to being a good skateboard filmer, being a really good skateboarder helps. And Matt Ballard shreds on a board, he just happens to be more comfortable behind the lens than in front of it. With a flare for dramatic shots and the gradual buildup to a hammerific crescendo, Ballard pulls you in and keeps you there. And with his 7-foot wingspan he's a champ at getting those hard to reach angles. You can see his work in the Kinship video, Bellevue, and Clint Walkers X Games winning Real Street part.
Matt would like to thank his family and friends for the unconditional love and support over the years, everyone who has ever helped him out along the way, and to RIDE Channel for this opportunity.
来源:Ride Channel
幕后摄影师Matt Ballard的优秀滑板视频
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