Stereophonic Sound第18期:94年经典滑板片段再度呈现

作者: 发表于: 2014-07-03 评论: 0 查看: 0

在第18期Stereophonic Sound中,为大家挖掘了94年经典的滑板视频 "A Visual Sound",同时给大家呈现了 Chris Pastras, Ethan Fowler等人同一时间在曼哈顿布鲁克林银行的未公布滑板镜头。时过进迁,不变的是那依旧的风格以及对滑板的热情。此外,也给大家带来Hoffart, Tommy Fynn, Chris Pastras, Georgie Tsushima等人在加州Prince滑板场最新的Video,看看他们是如何轻松玩爆板场内的道具。

In Episode 18 RideChannel goes  "Diggin' in the Crates" to bring you a montage from Stereo's classic video from 1994 "A Visual Sound", along with some previously unseen footage of Chris Pastras, Ethan Fowler, and friends from the same time skating the legendary Brooklyn Banks in lower Manhattan. Then we go west to session Prince Park in Oceanside, CA with Jordan Hoffart, Tommy Fynn, Chris Pastras, and Georgie Tsushima. Next we check in with Georgie for a Field Agent Report, yah Georgie! 

来源:Ride Channel

来源: Ride Channel
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