Fourstar 服饰品牌:Anthology 精选辑

作者: 发表于: 2014-06-26 评论: 0 查看: 0

2004年之时,Fourstar认为与其按照中规中矩的方式拍摄服饰产品宣传照,不如打破常规,在洛杉矶来一场充满乐趣的滑板之旅。这个简单的想法不断萌芽,从此以后 Fourstar team就无法暂停旅行的脚步,从国内迈阿密,三藩市,夏威夷,新奥尔良,纽约,到国外加拿大,日本,欧洲以及澳大利亚等,一路记录难忘的回忆。现在就为大家呈现Fourstar旅行路上的精选辑,你会看到Eric Koston和Sean Malto等明星滑手青涩的一面。

In 2004, as an alternative to doing a standard clothing catalog shoot, Fourstar decided to have a fun skate session around Los Angeles instead and photograph that and just make that the catalog. Spurred on by this simple idea, the Fourstar team has since traveled to Miami, San Francisco, Hawaii, New Orleans, New York, Canada, Japan, Europe, and Australia just to turn a mundane task into epic memories. Here's a quick anthology of some of the finer moments of Fourstar on the road. 


来源: Thrasher
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