16岁那年,Glen Hammerle要在买一辆汽车还是买VX镜头前做出抉择。庆幸的是他选择了后者。10年之后他的拍摄装备已经上升到高清的层面了,但是他还是发自内心的热衷于鱼眼拍摄。如果你想欣赏一部既高清又有复古镜头的滑板影片,那就不要错过Glen Hammerle的Film Reel了。
When Glen Hammerle was 16 he had the choice between and car and and VX--fortunately for us he chose the camera. Ten years later he has graduated up to HD but remains true to his roots keeping the fisheye right into the action. RIDE proudly presents Glen Hammerle's film reel.
来源:Ride Channel

When Glen Hammerle was 16 he had the choice between and car and and VX--fortunately for us he chose the camera. Ten years later he has graduated up to HD but remains true to his roots keeping the fisheye right into the action. RIDE proudly presents Glen Hammerle's film reel.
来源:Ride Channel