adidas Skate Copa滑板地区赛(纽约站)第二集为我们带来比赛当天的详细内容。当天邀请了21支滑板店队伍参加比赛,有8支队伍将会晋级。经过再一轮的比拼,最后的胜利者将获得参加决赛的资格。恭喜Labor滑板店队伍夺得最后的胜利,他们将会参加洛杉矶The Berrics板场的决赛。
In the spirit of fun and camaraderie inherent to skateboarding, adidas Skate Copa is a national shop vs. shop contest circuit broken into 5 regional stops, culminating in a massive Final at The Berrics. Each stop features tales from the road, insane contest skating from the best shop teams in the country, and of course, heavy street skating with the adidas team. The Berrics is proud to present adidas Skate Copa, New York City: Part 2 - the Northeast Regionals at the LES Skatepark. Part 3, featuring a full NYC street edit with the adidas Skateboarding team.
来源:The Berrics
adidas Skate Copa滑板地区赛(纽约站)第二部
The Berrics