adidas Skate Copa滑板地区赛(纽约站)第一部

作者: 发表于: 2014-05-23 评论: 0 查看: 0

 adidas Skate Copa赛事是以板店为单位的比赛。当天纽约站的赛事有21支滑板队伍参赛,将会有8支队伍晋级,最终的胜利队伍将进入决赛。总决赛将会在洛杉矶的The Berrics板场内举行。第一集让我们跟随Rodrigo TX一同去熟悉纽约这座城市,参观当地的板店以及享受Adidas Team不眠不休的滑板旅程。

In the spirit of fun and camaraderie inherent to skateboarding, adidas Skate Copa is a national shop vs. shop contest circuit broken into 5 regional stops, culminating in a massive Final at The Berrics. Each stop features tales from the road,  insane contest skating from the best shop teams in the country, and of course, heavy street skating with the adidas team.The Berrics is proud to present adidas Skate Copa, New York City: Part 1 - a quick overview of the City That Never Sleeps with the adidas Skateboarding team. 

来源:The Berrics

来源: The Berrics
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