本期Stereophonic Sound首先为大家呈现滑手Clint Peterson北俄勒冈州滑板之行的片段。随后他与老朋友Chris Pastras等等一同在风景怡人的LA MINI RAMP上度过一个轻松愉快的下午。最后南下在Syndrome Distribution 滑板场和Nick Zizzo, Jordan Hoffart, Ben Fisher, Yoshi Tanenbaum,Steven Snyder等狠角色汇合,为大家带来一发不可收拾的精彩滑板片段。
In this volume of Stereophonic Sound we go Crate Diggin' with some Clint Peterson highlights from a "ToeBock In Northern Oregon" trip, then join Chris Pastras, Clint, and friends to a scenic LA mini sesh for some Coping Vibes, and finally we head south to the Syndrome Distribution skatepark for some Tincan Parklore with Clint Peterson, Nick Zizzo, Jordan Hoffart, Ben Fisher, Yoshi Tanenbaum and Steven Snyder. Enjoy!
来源:Ride Channel
Stereophonic Sound第16期:Peterson, Pastras, Hoffart众星滑板之旅
Ride Channel