Vans第八届All Nations Skate Jam - 2014

作者: 发表于: 2014-05-07 评论: 0 查看: 0

第八届Vans All Nations Skate Jam赛事于4月25日在美国新墨西哥城的阿尔伯克基火热展开。除了有各路滑手精彩的表现,Vans当天还推出了限量款 runs of Pendleton系列滑板鞋。所得的盈利将全部捐献给 Nibwaakaawin非盈利性组织,用于改善教育水平和支持当地青年的多方面发展。

The 8th annual All Nations Skate Jam went down in Albuquerque Saturday April 25th. Vans produced limited edition runs of Pendleton shoes for the ANSJ jam which all of the proceeds go to the Nibwaakaawin non-profit organization dedicated to the education and empowerment of Native youth.


来源: Vans
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