C1RCA House Ep 2-欢迎新伙伴Ryan Reyes入伙

作者: 发表于: 2014-04-27 评论: 0 查看: 0

C1RCA之家热烈欢迎滑手Ryan Reyes入伙。在庆祝Party结束后,CIRCA之家的小伙伴们前往Mousegrip的新总部庆祝 Taylor Kirby登上Thrasher杂志的封面。他们还贴心为Taylor准备了一个印有该封面图案的蛋糕。如此多滑手聚在一起,滑板是必不可少的,看看他们在 Prince板场和 Shep Dawgs滑板队的精彩片段吧。


In episode 2 of #C1RCHOUSE: Ryan Reyes moves in, we celebrate Taylor Kirby's Thrasher cover at the new Mousegrip headquarters and then roll out with the Shep Dawgs to Prince park.

来源: Ride Channel
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