Volcom Damn Am 2014 决赛视频

作者: TWS 发表于: 2014-04-15 评论: 0 查看: 0

Volcom Damn Am 2014决赛精彩视频加DVS大绝招比赛重现,前三名分别为 Axel Cruysberghs,Tyson Bowerbank,Anthony Anaya,恭喜他们。

Here’s the video recap of  Volcom Damn Am 2014 finals plus the RAW gnar of the DVS Best Trick Contest from transworld skateboaarding. Congrats to Axel Cruysberghs (1st), Tyson Bowerbank (2nd), Anthony Anaya (3rd), and the people’s champ and best trick winner Franky Villani.

来源: TWS
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