全年龄段的有趣比赛,儿童,板女,全家,成年人,50+老滑手,半职业滑手们一起来到这个位于New Smyma Beach的GFL滑板系列赛,虽然场地不是设计和修建的最完美的,但是滑板运动就是如此-把你拥有的玩到最好
The skateboarding at last weekend's New Smyrna Beach stop of the GFL Series was all over the spectrum of different types and ages of skateboarding as usual, but this time, the bowl portion was most memorable. The street course there is not the best in the world, but just as skateboarders do, you make the best of what you've got. There were parent/child combos, toddlers, teens, girls, grown ass men, and extra grown 50+ men all ripping all day. Thanks to everyone that made it out to another one and to our sponsors for helping us make the event happen.
Check out all the photos here: http://theboardr.com/post/Grind_for_L...
Full results are here: