上个世纪九十年代,街式浪潮席卷滑板界。许多滑手选择丢掉身上的护具,从碗池走向了街道,享受滑板的全新乐趣。然而,大部分人最终都无法坚持,只有少数人经受住了考验。作为U池滑手就属于顶尖水平的Steve Caballero转到了街式滑板中,并且又在街式滑板上取得巨大成功,只因在他面前的任何东西,他都愿意和敢于用滑板去征服。大跨度飞跃,大扶手,甚至逆杆而上,在那个街式风格刚兴起的年代他已经可以做出Backside Kickflip to tailslide的高难度动作。Steve Caballero才是真正传奇中的传奇-真正的传奇滑手,无所不滑!
The '90s street wave was the final nail in a lot of vert dude's coffins, however, a few climbed down off the ramp, shed their pads and hit the pavement to stay relevant. Most failed, but a handful weathered the storm with ease. Steve Cabalerro is a legend for numerous reasons, including the fact that he can, and will, skate anything in front of him. Here's a highlight reel of Cab's days in the streets.
真正的街式传奇-Steve Caballero