新的一期DSL 杂志BIOTOPE介绍了来自比利时的滑手Youness Amrani,每日“栖息”在他妈妈拥有的板场中长大的他成为现在滑板界耀眼的一个新生力量也不足为奇吧?影片用最近非常流行的宽荧幕记录了这次Youness的返乡之旅-恬静、湿润的比利时小城哈塞尔特。
Originating from Belgium, Youness Amrani grew up training at a local skatepark owned by his mother to become one of the most versatile individuals in skateboarding today. Directed by Willem Veugels, this short film bring us into the uncommon origin of his talent, Hasselt, a small city in the Flemish region of Belgium.
Short film based on the article “ Eloge Panegyrique” Published in Desillusion Magazine 45 , Tome 1 available on Dslmag.com