Rob Smith & Phil Zwijsen造访Double Rock板场

作者: 发表于: 2014-04-03 评论: 0 查看: 0

本期造访Double Rock板场的滑手是Rob Smith 和 Phil Zwijsen两位好基友。一开始大家都以为他们就是来拍一两个招或者小片段而已,谁知他俩一玩起来就一发不可收拾了,基本将Double Rock板场的每片角落,每个道具都蹂躏了一遍,就连墙都不放过!

Initially, we thought Rob Smith and Phil Zwijsen would film a trick or two for a montage, but as their wild clips started stacking we knew they'd have a fun and ripping full edit together.


来源: Thrasher
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