欢迎Ben Gore加入Magenta滑板

作者: 发表于: 2014-03-28 评论: 0 查看: 0

Ben Gore夜滑三藩市的那段视频是否让你眼前一亮?黑白的基调以及夜间拍摄让你领略到skater滑板生活独特的风格。Ben Gore加入Magenta滑板的入队视频也是相当的精彩,虽然没有什么大地形,没有什么大招,但是他快速的刷街以及随性自如的做招也同样让你赏心悦目。

This week’s Toobage is dedicated to Ben Gore whose SF Nights video should have had you out on the streets until the wee hours by now. Here is his intro to Magenta.

来源:Transworld Skateboarding

来源: Transworld Skateboarding
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