徕卡文艺大片《Let Us Roam》预告片发布

作者: 发表于: 2014-03-15 评论: 0 查看: 0

《Let Us Roam》是徕卡赞助的在拍系列记录短片,主要讲述滑板圈内的摄影师,艺术家,导演和音乐家的生活。滑板是他们灵感之源,创意之泉,他们将这一切都表现在自己的作品里。光是预告片就已经如此唯美了,正片肯定会让人流口水的,让我们期待正片的发布吧!其中将有Atiba Jefferson, Arto Saari, Ray Barbee和Greg Hunt ……

Let Us Roam is an ongoing short film series supported by Leica Camera. This series features stories about photographers, artists, filmmakers and musicians inside of the skateboarding culture. For many, skateboarding is a lifestyle that breeds creativity, and often-times the doorway leading to various avenues of expression. Atiba Jefferson, Arto Saari, Ray Barbee, and Greg Hunt are the subjects.

来源:Transworld Skateboarding

来源: 中国滑板网
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