Element队在Philly’s Paine's公园

作者: Templeton Elliott 发表于: 2014-03-05 评论: 0 查看: 0

Element滑板队直杀Philadelphia’s Paine’s滑板公园,并且带回了他们的Video.这部Video将成为Element队伍一系列滑板与生活纪录片中的一部分。他们是如何玩转Philadelphia’s Paine’s滑板公园的,让我们先睹为快吧

The Element team hit up Philadelphia’s Paine’s Park and came back with the first in their Clippings videos which will be an “ongoing series documenting the life and times of the Element team”.

来源:The Skateboard Mag

来源: The Skateboard Mag
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