DVS Team燥翻秘鲁滑板酒吧

作者: 发表于: 2014-03-03 评论: 0 查看: 0

DVS滑手Daewon Song, Torey Pudwill, Luis Tolentino, Chico Brenes, Zack Wall在秘鲁滑板旅行时来到的一家滑板酒吧,在这里的Mini Ramp他们玩嗨了!

On a recent trip to Peru, DVS squad were invited to an amazing bar that was busting at the seams with skateboarding nostalgia and good vibes. Check the video to witness transitional antics from Daewon Song, Torey Pudwill, Luis Tolentino, Chico Brenes, Zack Wallin, and others. "And remember, If you're driving, don't drink. And if you drink, don't drive" -- The Beastie Boys, Live at PJ's. #ALLINGOODFUN


来源: 中国滑板网
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