TWS的Video Check Out栏目最新一期为我们带来了滑手Brandon Nguyen的个人片段,这位家住加州的越南裔滑手已经是enjoi和Adidas的flow滑手,在视频中也表现出了相当强大的实力,无论是gap还是rail地形都能轻松拿下,结尾部分的rail动作更是惊呆路人!
Video Check Out: Brandon Nguyen
Age: 22
Home: San Jose, California
Sponsors: enjoi (flow), adidas (flow), Spitfire Wheels, Royal Trucks, Atlas, Coma
Favorite skatepark: Mayfair skatepark.
Am who should be pro: Erik Deringer.
Rookie of the year: Mark Suciu.
Video of the year: Sabotage 3.
Video part you watch before skating: Jeremy Reeves, Crime In The City.
Cities for skating: Osaka, Japan has always looked incredible.
Newest app on your phone: TED.
Recommended reading: Anything by Salinger.
