Madars Apse新节目《Its A Mad World》第一集上线

作者: Berrics 发表于: 2014-02-17 评论: 0 查看: 0

DC滑手Madars Apse最近推出了一档新节目叫做《It's A Mad World》,以纪录片的形式向大家讲述欧洲职业滑手的日常生活,Berrics近日发布了这个系列片的第一集,Madars带领摄影师在祖国拉脱维亚各地走起,为大家介绍他从小到大滑板的地方,顺便找理疗师针灸一下,之后再舒服的洗个俄式桑拿,最后还不忘去学校里向小盆友们宣传滑板,欧洲老职的生活真是让人艳羡。喜欢Madars Apse的朋友可不要错过这一集。

Madars Apse has a new show called "It's A Mad World" where he takes you through the day to day of being a pro skater out in Europe. Episode 1 just aired and it revolves all around Madars' hometown of Latvia. See where it all started for one of the world's most unique skaters.


来源: Berrics
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